




Bertil Roos

 Title:   PhD, Senior university lecturer
Adress work:

Umeå University
Department of Education
SE-901 87 Umea, Sweden



+46 (0)90 - 786 95 29

   Mobile:   +46 (0)70 - 696 95 29




Pedagogisk meritportföljl

Curriculum Vitae

Jag arbetar för närvarande med undervisning och forskning vid pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet. Tidigare har jag arbetat med forskarutbildning och forskningsrelaterade frågor på fakultetsnivå. Min egen tid för forskning ägnar jag åt området internetbased assessement. Internet öppnar möjligheter för nya former av utvärdering och examination och kommer i framtiden att få ökad betydelse. En växelverkan av pedagogisk forskning och praktisk utveckling av internetbaserad utvärdering/examination är därför av stor vikt. Forskning om effekter av användning av formativ internetbaserad utvärdering/examination skapar förutsättningar för en fortsatt utveckling av nya utvärderings/examinationsformer och en kvalitetshöjning av utbildningen.


Conference participation and presentations

2011 WCES-2011 - rd World Conference on Educational Sciences - Education for all. Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.

2010 WCES-2010 - 2nd World Conference on Educational Sciences - Creativity and Innovation. Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.

2005 NERA´s 33 st Congress - A Nordic Dimension in Education and Research - Myth or Reality? University of Oslo, Norway.

2004 EERA´s Congress - European Conference on Educational Research. Crete, Greece.

2004 EDEN 2004 Annual Conference, New challenges and Partnerships in an enlarged European Union: Open, Distance and e-Learning in Support of Modernisation, Capacity Building and Regional Development, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary.

2004 AERA, American Educational Research Association 2004 Annual Meeting, Enhancing the Visibility and Credibility of Educational Research, San Diego, California, USA.

2004 NERA´s 32 st Congress - The Positioning of Education in Contemporary Knowledge Society. The Iceland University of Education, Reykjavík, Iceland.

2003 EERA´s Congress - European Conference on Educational Research. University of Hamburg, Germany.

2003 NERA´s 31st Congress - Education as a Critical Force - Myth or Reality? The Danish University of Education, Copenhagen, Denmark

2002 Sixth International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, A Two-day Conference for Developers and Users of Computer Assisted Assessment in Higher Education, Loughborough University, UK.

2002 EERA´s Congress - European Conference on Educational Research. School of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Lisbon, Portugal.

2002 NERA´s 30th Congress - Education and Cultural Diversities, Tallinn, Estonia.

2001 Fifth International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, A Two-day Conference for Developers and Users of Computer Assisted Assessment in Higher Education, Loughborough University, UK.

2001 EDEN 10th Anniversary Conference - Learning Without Limits: Developing the Next Generation of Education, Stockholm, Sweden.

2000 Fourth International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, A Two-day Conference for Developers and Users of Computer Assisted Assessment in Higher Education, Loughborough University, UK.

1998 LINKS98, Internationell konferens om IT och lärande, Stockholm.

1997 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 8th International conference, Orlando, USA.

1996 Learning for Tomorrow, 1st Science Centre World Congress, Helsingfors, Finland.

1996 AERA, American Educational Research Association, New York. USA.


Publications and conference papers

Roos, B. (2005). ICT and formative assessment in the learning society. Doctoral thesis, Department of Education, Umeå University.

Roos, B., & Hamilton, D. (2005). Formative Assessment: A cybernetic viewpoint. Assessment in Education, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 7-20.

Roos, B. (2005). Examination och det lärande samhället (assessment and the learning society). Journal of Research in Teacher Education. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 155-175.

Hamilton, D., Dahlgren, E., Hult, A., Roos, B & Söderström, T. (2004). When performance is the product: problems in the analysis of on-line distance education. British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 841-854.

Roos, B., Jonsson, U. & Steinvall, A. (2004). Technological Solutions cannot Stand Alone? Reconfiguring ICT in the support of learning in Swedish higher education. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Crete, 22-25 September, 2004.

Roos, B. (2004). Learning and Assessment in the Knowledge Society. A revised version of a paper discussed at the EDEN 2004 Annual Conference, New challenges and Partnerships in an enlarged European Union: Open, Distance and e-Learning in Support of Modernisation, Capacity Building and Regional Development, 16 - 19 June, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary.

Crossouard, B., Hamilton, D., Jonsson, U., Pryor, J., Roos, B., Steinwall, S., Sundström, H. & Tittelboom, vS. (2004). Assessment for Learning: What have we learned from our Minerva Project? Paper presented at the EDEN 2004 Annual Conference, New challenges and Partnerships in an enlarged European Union: Open, Distance and e-Learning in Support of Modernisation, Capacity Building and Regional Development, 16 - 19 June, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary.

Roos, B., & Hamilton, D. (2004). Towards Constructivist Assessment? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Nordisk Forening for Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF), Reykjavik, Iceland.

Roos, B., Jonsson, U. & Steinvall, A. (2003). High peaks and low valleys: Confronting the examinations inheritance of a Swedish university. Paper presented at the 2003 - EERA Congress – Hamburg, Germany.

Hamilton, D., Dahlgren, E., Hult, A., Roos, B & Söderström, T. (2003). When performance is the product: problems in the analysis of on-line distance education. Paper presented at the 2003 - NERA´s 31th Congress - Copenhagen, Denmark.

Roos, B. (2002). Formative internetbased assessment and flexible learning. Report for the National Agency for Higher Education, Stockholm, Sweden.

Roos, B. (2002). ICT, Assessment and the Learning Society. Paper presented at the 2002 - EERA´s Congress - Lisbon, Portugal.

Roos, B., & Hamilton, D. (2002). Beyond the killer application: teaching and learning in the reform of higher education in Sweden. Paper presented at the 2002 - NERA´s 30th Congress - Education and Cultural Diversities, Tallinn, Estonia.

Roos, B. (2001). From distance education to on-line learning: Formative assessment in higher education. Paper presented at the 2001 - EDEN 10th Anniversary Conference - Learning Without Limits: Developing the Next Generation of Education, Stockholm, Sweden.

Roos, B. (2001). Online Formative Assessment in Higher Education. Poster presented at the 2001 - EDEN 10th Anniversary Conference - Learning Without Limits: Developing the Next Generation of Education, Stockholm, Sweden.

Roos, B. (1996). Lärarfortbildning vid Teknik- och naturvetenskapscentra i Sverige - En utvärdering, NOTHÄFTE NR 8 1996. Högskoleverket, Stockholm.


Seminars and workshops

2002-04-30 Umeå Forum

2002-09-30 UPC, Umeå universitet

2002-11-19 HumLab, Umeå universitet, (streaming)

2002-11-28 Rådet för högre utbildning

2003-02-26 Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet

2003-03-19 Språklab, Umeå universitet

2003-03-27 Beteendevetenskapliga mätningar, Umeå universitet

2003-04-02 Språklab, Umeå universitet

2003-04-09 (am) Språklab, Umeå universitet

2003-04-09 (pm) Språklab, Umeå universitet

2003-05-20 Högskolan Gävle

2003-06-03 Språklab, Umeå universitet

2004-11-30 Nätuniversitetet

2005-04-15 Åsö Vuxengymnasium, Stockholm

2005-12-01 Köpenhamns universitet

2005-12-08 Polishögskolan, Stockholm

Press cutting

2005-02-01 Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

2005-02-01 KK-bladet

2005-03-01 IT och lärande

2005-03-11 Kollegiet

2005-03-23 Umeå universitet

2005-03-24 UCIT

2005-04-02 Nationellt centrum för flexibelt lärande

2005-04-21 Nätuniversitetet

2006-02-01 LearnIT Nyhetsbrev

2006-12-18 Mittuniversitetet

Grants for Research and Development

Stiftelsen för kunskaps- och kompetensutveckling - SEK 2 200 000

Distansutbildningsmyndigheten - SEK 677 000

Styrelsen för internationell utveckling - SEK 36 600

Europeiska kommissionen - SEK 5 850 000

Vetenskapsrådet - SEK 100 000