Explanation to the Request for publish form.
Move your mouse pointer over the actual field to get information!

Note: All fields marked with '*' MUST be filled.

State your full name State your email address State your file prefix name.
The naming convention says that all main topics,
assessments, graphic files etc. must follow the
naming rule: prefix = name_course_ident. 
As an example, if I would publish an assessment
with questions belonging to the 'alternating
current (ac)' module in the course 'analog electronics'
with course code tfea03 the it would result in a
prefix = ulfj_tfea03_ac Browse to the   Qpack file. Caution! 
The file size must be less than 1 Mbyte
(1000 kbyte) or the mail server may not accept
to send the file. If your file size is larger 
than 1Mbyte, send a mail to 
support@onlineassessment.nu to get information how 
to solve the problem If you already have got a user name
from previous publications, check this box If this is the first time you publish an
assessment, check this box If you have special settings that you want
to communicate to the person who will publish 
your assessment, write them in this field Press 'Submit' to send the information to the publisher Enter your user name here.
