Internet-Based Assessment 2002 - 2004Conference papers and popular articles |
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Crossouard, B., Pryor, J. & Torrance , H. (2003). Investigating the Development of Internet-based Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education - a report of work in progress. Paper presented at the 2003 - EERA Congress Hamburg, Germany.
Hamilton, D. et al., (2002). From message posting to dialogue?: a study of on-line practices in adult education. Paper presented at the 2002 - EERA´s Congress Lisbon, Portugal.
D., Dahlgren, E., Hult, A., Roos, B & Söderström, T. (2003). When
performance is the product: problems in the analysis of on-line distance education.
Paper presented at the 2003 - NERA´s 31th Congress Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hamilton, D. Is e-learning the XVII century dream of teaching all things to all people (article appearing on the site, April, 2003)
Roos, B., & Hamilton, D. (2002). Beyond the killer application: teaching and learning in the reform of higher education in Sweden. Paper presented at the 2002 - NERA´s 30th Congress Education and Cultural Diversities, Tallinn, Estonia.
Roos, B. (2002). ICT, Assessment and the Learning Society. Paper presented at the 2002 - EERA´s Congress Lisbon, Portugal.
Roos, B., Jonsson, U. & Steinvall, A. (2003). High peaks and low valleys: Confronting the examinations inheritance of a Swedish university. Paper presented at the 2003 - EERA Congress Hamburg, Germany.
Roos, B., & Hamilton, D. (2004). Towards Constructivist Assessment? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Nordisk Forening for Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF), Reykjavik, 10-14 March, 2004
Van Tittelboom, S. (2003). Alternative assessment as a tool in support of teaching and learning. Paper presented at the 2003 - EERA Congress Hamburg, Germany.
Steven van Tittelboom (2004) Making a case for alternative assessment. Internet-based assessment at the Language Centre of Ghent University (Belgium). Paper presented at EDEN Conference, Budapest, June 17-19.
Barbara Crossouard, David Hamilton, Ulf Jonsson, John Pryor, Bertil Roos, Anders Steinwall, Hans Sundström, Steven van Tittelboom & Harry Torrance (2004) Assessment for Learning: What have we learned from our Minerva Project? Paper presented at EDEN Conference, Budapest, June 17-19.
David Hamilton, (2004) What have we learned about internetbased assessment? Paper presented at 'Science & Cyber 2004' conference, Umeå, 2-3 September.
David Hamilton. Killer application, juggernaut or Trojan horse: Reflections on the use of ICT in higher education. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Crete, 22nd September, 2004
Roos, B., Jonsson, U. & Steinvall, A. (2004). Technological Solutions cannot Stand Alone? Reconfiguring ICT in the support of learning in Swedish higher education. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Crete, 22-25 September, 2004.
Crossouard, B., Pryor, J. & Torrance, H. (2004). Creating an alternative assessment regime with oneline formative assessment: Developing a researcher identity. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Crete, 22-25 September, 2004.
Crossouard, B. (2004) E-learning: As policy, as practice. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Internet Researchers, University of Sussex, September.
Pryor, J. (2004) Formative Assessment, the internet and academic identity. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Internet Researchers, University of Sussex, September.