Internet Based Assessment Project
2002 - 2004

This is an instruction how to download and install the authoring software
used in the project Intenet Based Assessment.

Please, print this page so that you will have it accessible while installing!

Note: If you already have downloaded the software from Questionmarks site, goto step3!

Step 1: download


Click the download button and place the file on your desktop (skrivbordet)

click 'save file' as shown ( example from Netscape browser )



Create a folder on your desktop called 'iba_softw'.



Open up the zip file by double-clicking on it.
There are three files in the arcive:


1.4 Extract theese files into the iba_softw folder you've created.
Note! You must enter a password to unzip the arcive, see email recieved earlier
containing password information!

Step 2: Install

Note! You must have administrator prevligies to install the software. If you get an errormessage while installing
indicating that you don't have enough priveliges, contact your system administrator for help!


The v3author321.exe file is a self-extracting arcive that holds the software.
Double-click on the file to start the installer, you'll need a password here also,
you'll find it in the file lösen_packare.txt Enter the password and the installation
begins. Follow the instructions given!



Now, you'll installed the authoring tool Perception. In the start meny you should
see the following icons (perception3):


To be able to run the software, as the last step, you must copy in the
license file (umeaunisweden.qmlicense) needed.
You'll find the license file in the folder iba_softw on your desktop. It's named umeaunisweden.qmlicense. Copy the file to the Perception directory , folder author, as shown below:

Check: the ume_license file must be in the same folder as the file 'Question manager.exe'



You can now start the question manager, open the exampelq.question database and check that the program work!


2.5 END


Step 3: Get only the license file (if you already have downloaded the software)


Create a folder on your desktop called 'iba_softw'.



Download the zipped licens file by clicking the button :



Open up the zip file by double-clicking on it.
There are one file in the arcive:


Extract the file into the iba_softw folder you've created.
Note! You must enter a password to unzip the arcive, see email recieved earlier
containing password information!


3.4 Goto step 2.3